ViaVio Yogurt's Ciambellone : The Italian Yogurt Donut, a typical Italian breakfast treat!
300g flour
4 eggs
225g sugar
20g baking powder
lemon zest
orange zest
pinch of salt
200g ViaVio A2-tested cow Yogurt
120ml Kakariki extra virgin olive oil
70g Hogarth Chocolate
1. Whisk eggs with sugar, orange , lemon zest and vanilla extract at very high speed for 5-6 minutes. Until you get a foamy, clear mix and the volume has tripled.
2. Then, always whipping, add Kakariki olive oil, and ViaVio Yogurt (at room temperature). You will get a rather liquid compound.
3. In another bowl sift your dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, salt and chopped chocolate.
4. Slowly combine dry ingredients with wet ingredients with a spatula, making sure it's all incorporated, creamy and not too compact.
5. Finally pour your compound in a buttered and floured high donut mold. Choose a mold high enough, the ciambellone dough should only fill a third of it, leaving space for rising.
6. Preheat your oven at 180 °C and bake for about 35 - 40 minutes. Keep the oven closed for the first 30 minutes.
7. The yogurt Ciambellone is ready once the toothpick test is perfectly clean. Remove from the oven and wait 5 minutes before turning it onto a wire rack or serving dish. Allow it to cool down for another 30 minutes.
Sprinkle with icing sugar and Buon Appetito!